Friday, November 13, 2009

Why is Hip Hop NOT considered a valid form or music?

here some of the things I hear about why people dislike rappers

1. "Hip Hop/Rap is 'not real music' because it of the use of sampling or loops.... hmm first of all not every hip hop group samples many use LIVE BANDS or composed and even with sampling hip hop still follows the structures of song making. The remixing work that hip hop producers have done have completely changed the recording industry. on a side note sampling is a tool used by ALL MUSICIANS... how can a sampling in rap form not be music but the same sample used by a techno or rock artist is ok

2. Well Rappers don't sing so they have no talent.... to be able to rap takes just a much skill as any singer you could mention... it takes rhythm, voice training, proper dictation and lyrical wit

3. "all rap/hip hop is about bitches and hoes"

First of all nothing could be farther from the truth and the list of rappers who dont talk about spinning rims is ENDLESS and if you believe this hogwash than there is no hope for u

Why is Hip Hop NOT considered a valid form or music?
They don't know how to rap,that's why they condemn it.If they actually knew how to rap they will like it.I had a world renowned poet come on and he told us hip-hop and rap is better than poetry because it has rhythm.

who the hell said that they don't write it to music?They don't just say everything out in one go.They rap in a rhythm.Half the reason a song's so successful is because of the beat it is written to.
Reply:I agree with your # 1. Almost every single hip hop/rap song that comes out nowdays, is a sampling of some rock or R%26amp; B song, %26amp; its kinda annoying, nothing is original anymore.
Reply:the only people that say that are old people and red necks
Reply:Well Edge, here we go ---

Rap is a form of --- cultural poetry -- and even though it is "set TO music" -- it is still the --- spoken word !! There is no way in hell that the "lyrics" of rap can be musically written on a musical score -- so, therefore, technically it is NOT music !! Outside of the "accompaniment" (usually done by actual musicians -- who a great deal of the time don't even get "honorable mention") -- the ryhme and rythum of the spoken words do NOT technically nominate this artform as a musical offering -- it is contemporary cultural poetry ---

Still very valid, in every sense of the word --- but, SO NOT MUSIC in and of itself !!!

Not even the technicians who do the "sampling" --THEY are not musicians in the artform of what THEY do--- until they pick up a musical instrument and produce the sounds with it to perform actual music --- what they do is manipulate the sounds produced by others -- the true musicians !! They are engineers OF sound-- not producers OF music !!

It really doesn't matter to ME one way or the other about Rap

what ever "floats your boat" is kinda my motto on such stuff !! I do know that it isn't for me -- for a number of different reasons -- it definitely doesn't "speak to me" in almost any sense of the word !!

What I have heard OF it, though, seems to be pumped full of EGO STRUTTING --- an awful lot of -- ain't I great --- ain't I something special -- ect ect ect !! And, an awful lot of "tough guy" garbage --- like --- I'm the baddest--meanest-- don't care about nothing -- watch out for ME --ect ect ect !! And, enough of THAT goes an awful long way to say the least !!!

And, the last statement -- if someone believes a certain thing about Rap --- there's no hope for them at what ?? being cool ? Ever liking Rap ? Ever understanding it ? what ?

There is a vast world out here that doesn't hinge around or have anything at all to do with this STUFF !! And, someone who doesn't realize THAT -- may have little hope of ever getting over the "thing" that has them thinking THIER WAY !!

Another thing that is extremely interesting to me, in closing ---

that for all the "individuallity" preached about within Rap -- there are very few truly "unique" artists within its ranks -- almost all of the sounds are fairly much based on the current 'thing" --- and the styles are so "cookie cutter" bland that people on the streets emulating the "rap star look" -- look as though they've been "styled" by the same MTV makeup artist !! Slaughters me to think that so many people are going out to get the "poor boy ghetto look" and paying hundreds of dollars for outfits to look like they came from the poorest neighborhoods in Harlem !!!
Reply:People who knock rap because no instruments are played need a history lesson on how hip hop originated. Hip hop only has a small handfull of artists that are original and groundbreaking but that is true of all genres of music. Labels will always try to clone the latest craze. Fortunately, the cream always rises to the top.
Reply:mostly because a lot of rapper are black and there's hate...but the way i see it, it is the best genre out there
Reply:There is some amazing hip hop out there. Theres also some horrible stuff. Although hip hop is usually very basic musically. The drive and groove of the rhythms allow the audience to feel it. Unfortunately this is not enough to make a good song. All good rappers are witty but the mainstream ones seem to be caught in a loop of rhyming about the same old topics. Its fine and dandy to talk about enjoying yourself in clubs, and being locked up or whatever but eventually you have to start talking about something different. So you have to look beyond the mainstream to underground artists. Thats where you find the real talent.

Another point is that the image seems to distract from the music. When rappers are spending more money on music videos than recording and production you know something bad has happened.

fake gold teeth

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