Monday, November 16, 2009

Tell me how Hip Hop and Rap sucks?

See you guys think that hip hop and rap sucks..... but that is simply not the case. Truth is that the "rappers" and entertainers you see up on t.v are House Negroes (Malcolm X speech) and their target audience is white America not black America so thats why they don't keep **** real. Now look up Immortal Technique, Akir, Rugged Man, Jedi Mind Tricks, Mos Def, and Ill Bill. After having watched some REAL hip hop and rap then I like you to insult hip hop. Because don't hate on it if you haven't heard it yet.

Search ClearWire and you'll see why it is that the Pop (not hip hop) rappers /entertainers are the ones being forced on us instead of the real artist. Now hip hop takes creativity and uniqueness. But pop is all about whose the biggest attention whore.

Tell me how Hip Hop and Rap sucks?
Already I like your satement on pop and hip hop , so many do confuse what is being played as real rap.The house ***** is an exact perception of the music on the radio , people who have converted their style to be heard on the radio.I reallt cant stand it and the gov. should stop having control over what we hear it is entertainment and all the parents and children have the freedom of choice not to listen to it.But they should not have the right to say everyone who understands it cant hear it at all.

The music is not what causes the violence parents not raising their kids is causing a rise in violence.When a parent neglects their duties as a parent it can force a kid to rebal and find their own way through life, meaning they will be easy influenced by what attracts them.And in American culture we have been known for violence and drugs , hence that is what your kids will go to .

baby teeth losing

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