Monday, November 16, 2009

Hip-hop Shoes!?

Hey guys.

There are many styles out there and my current style interestst is in hip-hop. Shoes like Nike are pretty expensive,as you know. A nice pair goes around $80.

So, is there any website that sells shoes that look like hip-hop kind of shoes for at least $40 and under?


Also, if you dress ghetto or in a hip-hop fashion, tell me what you would usually wear and how you would wear it. Thanks.

Hip-hop Shoes!?
Don't dress in "ghetto fashion" I don't dress like that, dress conservatively, you should consider it as well, it shows that you think highly of yourself, and no, it doesn't make you look like a nerd.

Ghetto clothes look dumb, period. It doesn't matter what your skin color is, or what you look like.

I might sound like an old guy, but I am actually 20 years old, and I am also a big believer in school uniforms.

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