Thursday, November 19, 2009

Why does everyone blame hip-hop for youth violence, etc?

I cannot stand the ignorance. So how come they don't say anything about violent death metal And rock that has any hate And killing and suicide messages? No wonder so many little young white teens commit suicide. How about violent movies and videogames? You guys need to stop taking shots at hip-hop. RAP = Retards Attempting Poetry? Sorry, creating actual good rap music requires deep thought and emotion. (EX: Tupac, Nas, AZ, Jadakiss, etc) ... I am not talking about Soulja Boy or the Dem Franchize Boyz. They are not RAPPERS. They are ENTERTAINERS. It's not that hard to understand the difference, hip-hop/rap haters. Hip-Hop and Rap music has it's positive side but you guys only look at the negative side and point everything out on hip-hop. Why, why, why? I am not here to argue or complain. I am here to give you guys lessons in order to change your guys minds and opinion towards hip-hop and rap music positively

Why does everyone blame hip-hop for youth violence, etc?
I listen to rock, and I don't think you should be talking about ignorance since you have displayed quite a lot. I listen to rock and hip hop, rap, classical and country. Listening to rock doesn't make you more prone to suicide. I know more black and Hispanic people actually who have been involved with attempted suicide and self mutilation. It's not about the music, you need to understand that. People like to have a scape goat. Come on, what was Hitler listening to? Was it the music or was he just insane?

Good rap is stuff like The Roots, groups that actually talk about a message, most rap today doesn't do that. Most rock today doesn't mean anything either.

People don't want to realize that the way kids are turning out today is a lot of their fault. Uninvolved parents, father's that have left them, not being able to talk about how they feel because that would make them a fag. It's people's fault, not the music.

Your not giving anyone a lesson by the way, your just proving people right with your indignant anger. Your not proving anything. I view OLDER rap and hip hop positively. It's the "entertainers" of today that I view negatively, the rappers the glorify gang violence, screamo metal that encourages rage that I view negatively. But you can't blame music for people's actions. Yes, you can say music encourages people to do things. But in the end it is that person's decision and only they are to blame.


By the way, yes Marilyn Manson does get criticized, metal gets banged at every time there is a school shooting. What is racist is calling every little thing out as being RACIST. Know what you're talking about before you prove your stupidity.

I'm not saying people shouldn't be able to criticize music, they should, but they shouldn't be able to censor it or stop people from listening to it just because they find fault in it.
Reply:I am not gonna down it because I listen to it! but there is subliminal messaging in it! I think that because most rappers tend to curse and sing about hoes money and weed and things like that people only look at the bad songs! Yes there are good ones...and you are right death metal and rock is the exact might also have a little bit to do with the fact that a LOT of people are still pregidous*spelling*
Reply:And yet we are supposed to be on here to ask questions...

People say a lot about video-games, metal etc. Some people blame Super Mario for making kids violent, ffs. Now it's okay to blame the "Goth" subculture for school shootings. People always look for scape-goats to avoid real issues. But a lot of people stereotype rap as being meaningless.

People who say death metal etc. isn't criticised- come off it. If you think death metal causes suicide, all black crimes can be attributed to rap.
Reply:Good question....I think it is partially racial...there are metal bands that talk just as much about death and violence...take marilyn manson for instance...his/her???? lyrics are extremely violent and one is really criticizing him/her/it???
Reply:Society will always have a scapegoat. You have touched on several of them. Not many want to take blame for their part of the problem. Youth violence stems from the society's values and the way these kids are raised.
Reply:I used to listen to rap while I was in high school (because it was cool then, they only talked about having sex and getting drunk or dancing) Now the message is I don't listen to a lot of American music anymore or watch a lot of American TV because its complete nonsense. Negativity and violence is not a good way to live, regardless of what style of music its hiding under. Since there are so many people that believe that what they see on TV is reality and/or how things should 'look' (ie. celebrity, gangster, etc.) then a lot of people will follow suit simply because they are nothing more than sheep.
Reply:What happens is that it depends on the person who is listening !

If i am hearing : im a mother fucka , and your my hoe , lets go to my crib and i know its just a song meant to entertain then what is saying doesnt really affect me , but if someone else takes it serisuly then that person may become influenced .I listen to metal /rock 85% of the time and the last thing on my mind is to kill myself , do drugs , or any other freaky thing , because in the back of my mind i know its just to entertain ! that is why is called music!

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